Thyroid Ultrasound


TIRADS stands for Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System. It is a risk stratification system used in radiology to evaluate and classify thyroid nodules detected during ultrasound imaging. The purpose of TIRADS is to provide a standardized approach to reporting thyroid nodules and to assist in determining the risk of malignancy.

The TIRADS system assigns a numerical score or category to each thyroid nodule based on its ultrasound features. The specific scoring or categorization system may vary slightly depending on the version used, as there are different iterations of TIRADS developed by various organizations.

The TIRADS scoring or categorization system typically takes into account factors such as nodule size, shape, composition, echogenicity (how the nodule appears on ultrasound), the presence of calcifications, and vascularity. Each factor is assigned a certain point value or category, and the scores or categories are then combined to determine an overall risk assessment for the nodule.