NM Cerebral Perfusion

Nuclear Medicine Cerebral Perfusion Scan

Review Article


Describe the common indications for PET and SPECT cerebral perfusion imaging.

Review common abnormalities seen on PET and SPECT cerebral perfusion imaging.

Identify common radiotracers and augmenting medications used in PET and SPECT cerebral perfusion imaging and their associated contraindications and complications.

Summarize the basic principles of how PET and SPECT cerebral perfusion imaging is performed and the inherent benefits and drawbacks of each imaging modality.


Baseline images demonstrate decreased left cerebral hemisphere perfusion with a mild focal of deficit in the left temporal lobe.

On the Diamox images, there is increased perfusion in the right cerebral hemisphere relative to the left cerebral hemisphere suggestive of decreased left cerebral hemisphere reserve.


Decreased left cerebral perfusion with mild focal defect in the left temporal lobe.

Decreased left hemisphere cerebral reserve.

Similar to prior examination, there is a large fixed perfusion deficit in the right temporoparietal lobe consistent with prior right middle cerebral artery infarct.  Within this perfusion deficit, there is increased perfusion on the Diamox images suggesting cerebral reserve