MR / CT Lumbar
Annular fissure
Annular fissures, also known as annular tears, are a degenerative deficiency of one or more layers that make up the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc.
Annulus fibrous fissures: (a–b) Circumferential fissures. A drawing and an axial T2-WI scan at L4–L5 (arrow) showing a rupture of the transverse fibres without disruption of the longitudinal fibres representing circumferential fissures.
(c–d) Radial fissures. A drawing and a sagittal CT discogram at L5–S1 showing (arrow) radial fissures extending from the periphery of the annulus to the nucleus, with disruption of the longitudinal fibres. (e-f) Peripheral rim fissures. A drawing and a sagittal T2-WI scan at L5–S1 demonstrating disruptions of Sharpey’s fibres at the annular periphery
Open access: Kushchayev, S.V., Glushko, T., Jarraya, M. et al. ABCs of the degenerative spine. Insights Imaging 9, 253–274 (2018).

Lumbar Stenosis Grading
Lea Alhilali, MD
Disc Desiccation
Disc Desiccation
Open access: Kushchayev, S.V., Glushko, T., Jarraya, M. et al. ABCs of the degenerative spine. Insights Imaging 9, 253–274 (2018).
Modic Changes
Modic type endplate changes represent a classification for vertebral body endplate MRI signal changes.
Modic type I: represents bone marrow edema and inflammation. T1: low signal T2: high signal T1 C+ (Gd): enhancement
Modic type II: represents normal red haemopoietic bone marrow conversion into yellow fatty marrow as a result of marrow ischemia. T1: high signal T2: iso to high signal
Modic type III: represents subchondral bony sclerosis. T1: low signal T2: low signal
Bright endplates on STIR = Modic 1.
Type I
Type I
Type II
Pars Defect
The pars interarticularis or simply pars (plural: partes interarticulares) is the part of a vertebra located between the superior and inferior articular processes.